Thursday 7 October 2010

i love you!!!

i love her new hair !!!!!!!! =]
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Friday 1 October 2010

49 dayyyyyyyssssss

ok am i the only person who's counting, i know someone who's not going to be counting........

yes abi it's you.

next week i'm going to persuade abi to see the film even if i have to strap her to a seat in a cinema.

ok so i haven't blogged in ages i have been tweeting more as it's better instead of writing all this i can just tweet what i'm doing!

this will be my last blog post as it seems point less!!!

so anyways abi won't watch it cause it's to do with her religion.

most christians watch harry potter i guess it's todo with witch craft a lady on youtube said magic is our reality and we should be affraid. hey crazy bitch i don't know what planet your from but magic isn't reality it's a thing people call


this woman is crazy.

Christians can watch harry potter. it's one of the greatest books of all time ...... wait no the greatest books of all time and christians are missing out on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every way they turn there going to see or hear about harry potter and one day they will CRACK and they will watch it and they will be annoyed with them selves on why they haven't watched or read it beforeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

<----- follow for awesome tweets!

Bye Bye Bye Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Saturday 26 June 2010

Ice cream

Ok did anyone just watch doctor who ..... AMAZING

Can't wait till december when it comes back but ow well i guess i could live without it for a couple of months.

Anyways i just had my hair done and well it didn't go the way i wanted it, it looks ok but it went bright blonde and it's got a tiny amount of ginger in it . Ow well it's fun to be ginger.

So i started to write my book i should finish it by december and then i can get it published in January which should be good i'm only on the first chapter, so if i do three chapters a month then i'm ok will probably take longer to write as i haven't been writing much lately.

Only two weeks left of school and then to work experience, well i went to my interview ginger and now i'm blonde, which looks way better than before.

I also had my hair cut a little shorter than i planned but it will grow it did look better when it was longer, my mum says it looks like a bumble bee :P

Just finished my ice cream and not sure what to do with the rest of today,
jamie went about a hour ago to go to leah's house and he isn't coming back till tomorrow and he asks if he can use my bike and i wouldn't get it back till tomorrow ...... i don't think so :P

Sammm =]

Sunday 20 June 2010

Sex and the city 2 and the orange!

Yesterday was amazing!

We went to see sex and the city 2 but they asked us for id so we got tickets for "wild Target" but then me and abi sneaked into sex and the city, there was only about six people in the cinema and we didn't get caught. It was so funny Samantha in it was really funny when she got arrested and all those condoms fell out of her bag!

Anyways i brought some rally cool sunglasses which are like mirrored effect and there really cool so i'm going to wear them today! Might dye my hair next weekend my hair has finally gone back to brown but in the sun bit's of it are a bit gingery brown so might dye it or get highlights in it.

Everywhere we went we saw mrs crouch me and abi were in next for about half a hour waiting for them to move so we could have a look at the sunglasses after a while they finally moved on and went somewhere else. then we went into the body shop and we saw her again and there was this really nice sports fragrance so i was spraying that everywhere.

Then we went into sainsburys i tried on fake tan didn't think it worked until about three hours later i came out the cinema to find that oranges have replaced my arms and they now looked like abi's legs. Olivia looked really older and i looked about thirteen, i think everybody there looked older than me and i looked like thirteen and they looked like seventeen!

Anyways gotta go have to go do my Aunty's gardening and then Will have to check out our new blog for me abi emma emily and olivia :D

Sammm =]

Sunday 6 June 2010

are you feeling blondish?


So i think it was yesterday i was talking about miley being a slut i don't hate miley i just think she should dress more appropriately and not go round kissing girls to show people shes grown up!

Anyways so this morning i watched legally blonde which was good i was going to watch it again but bbc iplayer had taken it off cause it's been up a week. Jamie (my brother) is so annoying he keeps stealing from my belt draw i just don't see why he can't just buy a belt he says i don't need them all but i do.

i buy them for a reason to wear them!

Anyways todays sunday and can't be asked to go out so mum and liam have gone shopping and are going to bring me a tuna and cucumber sandwich it's 4.00 and i haven't had dinner yet! ow well i hope my mums brought more melon i ate the last of it yesterday.

Today i need to watch the repeats of doctor who cause i missed it yesterday cause i watched 7 hours of friends..... your probably thinking i don't do anything but i was bored so i watched friends from 4 till 11 :O

Sammm =]

Saturday 5 June 2010

Miley you little slut :O

Ok did anyone see miley on britains got talent?

She looked like a right slut, we get it miley, you want to be taken seriously and loose the disney image, but that doesn't mean you have to take of your clothes and kiss girls. now everyone sees you as a slut, not an adult. lots of people look up to her and now there just going to be a slut like she has become and whats going on with her outfit and kissing that girl! <----- watch the video here !

Anyways yesterday was good went to stephs party, then at the end i rang for a taxi cause my mum didn't want me to walk home alone cause i might get attacked mum who's going to attack me? anyways i called for a taxi and then abi said i could of got a lift with her so i was just about to ring the taxi people back up to cancel it and then the taxi turns up so i eventually got in the taxi and i was talking to the man who could of killed me talking on the phone to who i thought would be his wife or girl friend cause he answered the phone saying " hey sexy what you at" he wasn't even concentrating on the road he was just blabbing away it was like i was paying someone to crash a car and kill me!
it cost £7.30 and he didn't even drop me off out side my house i had to walk three houses away to get to my house!

Today i was ment to go see sex and the city 2 but it doesn't look like it's going to happen because of my stupid little brother cause he's not 15 he can't go see it and he can't stay home alone cause he's not old enough and jamies gone to the beach so he can't look after him either.

So i will just have to stay at home and watch doctor who :(

Sammm =]

Thursday 3 June 2010

today should be good planning to cycle somewhere maybe to ardington or maybe to didcot ........i dunno i will choose later.

Today is sooo nice yesterday went to get a tan after playing rugby, have red patches all over my back from the sun and still haven't got a tan what do i have to do to get one i spent twenty minutes sun bathing on my back and twenty on my front. my stomach has gone a little darker but nothing dramatic. started using my new tooth paste yesterday or the day before i can't remember but anyways my teeth are whiter which is good well they should be for how much the tooth paste cost !

Today i'm going on a bike ride so should be good maybe get a tan ............. unlikely !

Eastenders is on tonight can't even remember what happened on tuesday >>>>

ANyways this week i'm going to see sex and the city 2 which should be good..

Oh yeah i brought a watch the other day and the leather is gone wierd


Sammm =]