Monday, 17 May 2010

Abi your a cow LOL =]

I better mention Sam in this ginger friend at school who decided to sit on top of me and shove grass in my mouth while insisting I was a cow. Charming. I'm gonna give a bad impression of him anyhow, coz he said my blog was BORING. Reality check, how bored can you be if you dye your hair ginger in the Easter holidays? Yup...suck on that SAM. xD

Btw, I'm not ginger...I have red hair and a blonde fringe. I guess the red's just faded quite a bit and appears ginger, but it's not. Honest. Sam's ginger. Not me. And I like cows coz I think the black and white Fresian cow print is awesome, therefore I give my friends license to potentially call me a rude name. Trust me, they're more than happy to oblige

My Favorite bit from abi's blog =]


  1. I'm only following you because you're a friend of Abi. She's awesome. XD

  2. Thank you Ashley!

    SAM >=P

    xD xD xD
